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The Sustainable Development Goals or Global Goals are a collection of 17 interlinked global goals
designed to be a "blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all".
In this section, you will gain insight into how we at Ufanisi Freighters (K) Ltd.,
have deliberately purposed to ensure our way of working encompasses all the general principles of
responsible and sustainable business in support of this call from the United Nations Global Compact to do so.
Principles 1,2. While we do not have a formal human rights policy in place, we are committed to ensuring that the welfare of our employees is well taken care of. For instance:
We have a medical program to cater for all our staff that covers in-patient, out-patient, dental, and optical services.
We do not hire any under-age workers.
We ensure that our employees are compensated fairly for their work.
Principles 3,6.
UFKL is committed to ensuring that there are no under-age hires throughout all our departments, and
that there is no discrimination of any kind in the workplace.
There are systems in place to anonymously
(a suggestion box accessible to all staff) report any forms of discrimination and harassment at work, and
we are pleased to report that we have not had any such incidences in the past year.
Principle 10. UFKL does not participate in any forms of extortion and/or bribery, and there has been no lawsuit or claim against the company or any of our employees in regards to the same thus far
Principles 7 - 9.
UFKL is committed to preserving the environment around us, and it is for this reason that we partnered
with the County Government, the Ministry of Health, and the Environment Office to organize a clean-up
of the street our head office is currently situated on. The exercise was successful and members of the
community with whom we share the street were also taken through a sensitization awareness program
on waste management and sanitation; so as to ensure that even after the clean-up exercise, high levels
of hygiene were maintained.
In terms of our internal operations, UFKL has also taken steps to ensure that our tea blending process
(the activity through which different grades and gardens of tea are mixed) results in hazard-free teas.
For instance, since 2020 we have been doing our manual tea blending on an epoxy floor as opposed to
tarpaulin (which was the case before) as this reduces the amount of waste from the process, especially
in cases where the tarpaulin would have teared. The manual blending process also allows us to take the
teas through a critical control point of iron extraction machines for hazard identification/controlling
before packaging.
The resultant waste is then weighed to ensure that it is within the allowable limit of human
consumption (not exceeding 150 parts per million) as per the KES 2018:2019 standards of black tea
specification. This is then passed on to the Ministry of Health, and NEMA officials, escorted by the Kenya
Police (to ensure that it does not end up in the black market) for disposal by incineration. This disposal
exercise is done regularly every 6 months.
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